
Monday, December 17, 2012

more inspiration

I love this tropical looking number. Not sure what it is. Also like the fern-like palm popping out behind the tree. Not so keen on the roo - a step too far in the kitsch direction!


Protea (pincushion) looks like an Aussie Native but is a South African native. I like the bold graphic balls of colour.


I am keen to create a slightly kitsch Miami/Florida 1950's tropical holiday feel for the front of my new 1950's house. Bougainvillaea, hibiscus, succulents, tropical foliage, and palm trees. I also want to add in some Australian natives because they can also provide a retro, kitsch vibe too and seem appropriate to add considering we are so close to the creek(teeming with gum trees and bird life etc). I have been busy snapping photos locally of Palms I like that would suit the Melbourne climate.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bye Bye

Last weekend the caravan departed off to storage. It was bought last night on Ebay and will be going to a new family (6 kids and 2 adults will sleep in it at their holiday block!).


We all felt fond of this van and what it represented. It was central to our ambitious house building dreams and served us well despite the hardships involved. Living with no facilities through Winter on top of each other was one of the hardest things our gang has done but it was memorable and a big achievement. If we hadn't been living on the block we wouldn't have found our new nest across the road (we bought it before it went on the market). We reckon we now deserve plenty of gypo street cred and can imaging how adverse living conditions can affect physical and mental health, making normal people dysfunctional. Thank god it was temporary!

Bye bye awesome big tree and awesome big swing

We did the same sparkler farewell that we did at our house in July - what a year!
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